Tag Archives: glass doors

Stained glass

What is it about stained glass doors that makes me happy? They are colorful, artistic, and makes you think of a different era…


This entry just kills me! The colors of the glass are gorgeous, the design is just beautiful. The bronze sculpture and the chandelier don’t hurt either!What can i say, perfection…


A darker mood, the complete opposite from the first picture, a different design, but still as dreamy…

What do you think, do you like stained glass?


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Filed under art, home

Monday inspiration

Hello everybody, how was your weekend? Mine was filled with a trip to the market, a cheese and wine dinner, good conversation, and a photo shoot! (will bring you up to date later in the week, promise!)..

As for our inspiration this week, here we go


Open shelving in the kitchen, and wallpaper! What is it about wallpaper that changes a whole room? Have you tried it in the kitchen?


An oldie but a goodie! Love the square shelves, the ottoman fabric…The whole vibe of the room.


A bit of architecture today, check out those windows!!


Again wallpaper, but this time behind the shelves in a dressing room, how chic is that?!


Gorgeous arabesque glass door!


And we finish up with what looks like a yummy apple or pear tarte! This makes me want to enter my kitchen and begin baking! What have you baked lately?


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Filed under food, home